Lowongan kerja di PT SK Metalindo
11 Juni 2021
PT SK Metalindo (SKM)
One of the leading Indonesian fabrication & Erection company near Jakarta, is delivering International standard quality products and services in the area oil & gas , Petrochemical, Water Treatment, Thermal Power, Pulp / Paper Plant in the ASEAN region and the only subsidiary of the Technical Group in Indonesia which was established and developed in Singapore. The company’s excellent track record includes turnkey projects in the fields of oil & gas, Petrochemical, Water Treatment, Thermal Power, Pulp / Paper Plant especially for the Fabrication of Pressure Vessels, Heat Exchangers, Steam Boilers and Parts, Economizer, Furnace, Evaporator, Tanks , Piping, Stacks, Steel Structures, Mining Product, LP / MP Separator, Scrubber, Pig Launcer, Pig Receiver, Knockout Drum, Hydrocyclone, Dehydrator, Fuel Filter, Free water knockout , Heater Treater, Coalescer Filter, Mining Product Dump Truck , Bucket
Membuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk bagian SAFETY OFFICER persyaratan sbb :
- Laki-laki
- Usia Max 35 tahun
- Pendidikan Min D3 / Sederajat
- Memiliki Sertifikat K3 Umum
- Memiliki pengalaman sebagai SAFETY OFFICER Min 1 Tahun
Bagi yang memenuhi persyaratan silahkan kirim cv ke
alamat email : hrd@skmetalindo.com
dengan subject SAFETY OFFICER